HPX Campus 78 – 聊聊 AI UX Design / 陳翰申

聊聊 AI UX Design

主講:陳翰申(AI UX Designer)
開會開到天荒地老,會議記錄用最高速寫完,咬牙在幾乎最後時限內跳上 Uber,在 2020 年的開始,在各種起始終結的一月份,怎麼能錯過這麼有趣的題目,經歷這麼堅強的講者?還有這麼可愛的 Max 老師!(好吧看到那堆徽章真的有心動,但只能心動...)
HPX Campus 經典的交朋友時間,今天我認識了 PIXNET 的 Jeff 和 Pilotfish Wei Yo,默默了解了為什麼我的 PIXNET 的第一層發文 button 不見了的原因...(即使知道還是很難過,user 想舉手表達 pain point 啦~)
言歸正傳,講師翰申登場,講起了「AI UX」這個名詞的起源,畫面上出現一張「瞎子摸象」的浮世繪,翰申想表達的是,AI UX 是一個正在發展中的領域,各公司也正在形塑自己的認知以及發展、積累相關的專業知識,甚至 Google 都已經成立專門的 AI UX team。
翰申走過了 IBM、Google、Microsoft 等國際級大公司,接著將走進 Adobe,結合 AI + ML 的領域專業,接著將走進 AI/ML principle designer 的角色,而 Human-Centered Machine Learning (People-Centered Machine Learning)會是今晚分享的重點。
我們都會越來越老,而你們正要開始,台灣是一個很棒的環境,你們都會成為一個非常 impactful 的 designer。
翰申對講給學生聽戰戰兢兢,因為講給學生聽,需要百分之百正確,這也是 HPX Campus 希望走進校園,培育種子的初衷。
「所有事情都是有跡可循的。」 Can Machine Think? - Alan Turing (1950)
Man-Computer Symbiosis (J. C. R. Licklider)
1) to let computers facilitate FORMULATIVE THINKING as they now facilitate the solution of formulated problems.
「Designer 要不斷延伸自己的職能,全能之外要加入 PM 的能力,才能在 product 的時代獲得最大的成功。」翰申很認真的對台下分享。

Human factor 是在釐清人與機器的關係,當第一個滑鼠被設計出來的當下,便開啟了 Interaction 設計的時代。

Data to "AI/ML Platform" and Output to - Machine Teaching -> Input to "User Data Platform (Users)
透過 AI/ML 設計產品,並不僅僅是為了「設計產品」,而是要「解決問題」。

ML Real World, AI Design Project  

Computer Vision 看得比人要準確,透過 data 的分析和分析可以做到更多人類不能做的事情。

Artificial Intelligence - The science of making machines intelligent, so they can recognize pattern.




Optimally <------------------> Human-Like


訓練 AI 解決問題可以分成很多層次:
  • 傳統 ML:Rules + Data (Traditional Programming) > Results
  • AI:Answers + Data (Traditional Programming) > Rules 不是找出演算法,而是訓練演算法 
  • Supervised Learning 監督學習:給予 label
  • Un-Supervised Learning 無監督學習:透過 grouping 的做法歸納
  • Reinforcement Learning 強化學習:寫 policy,figure 後給 reward,但最難的就是將人的決斷原則轉為 policy

Basic ML

  • Regression - Prediction of numerical values 
  • Confidence Level - A numerical expression of certainty in percentages. 如何 define error
  • Google Flight 
ML Prototyping 將會變成很重要的 capability 
AI 的時代,不只是規劃 UI flow,要預測和 planning 這個產品後續的成長和可能面臨的變化和挑戰。這也是可以透過

People AI Guidebook (AI Foundation) 

Jess Holbrook (Researcher) & Josh Lovejoy (Designer)
Human-Centered Machine Learning - Design is [SMART]

User Needs & Define Success

  • Which user problems is AI uniquely positioned to solve? 不一定要用 AI 解決的事情,就不要用 AI 處理,除非需要透過 AI 產出 unique way
  • How can we augment human capabilities in addition to automating tasks?
  • How can we ensure our reward function optimizes AI for the right thing? 
  • AI Transformation Playbook

ML Problem Statment: How might we solve _________{ out user need } _______? Can AI solve this problem in a unique way? 要不斷反問自己,這問題是否一定要透過 AI 才能有特別的解法。

Confuse Metrics 

  • True positives - When the model correctly predicts a positive outcome. 真的真的
  • True negatives - When the model correctly predicts a negative outcome. 真的假的
  • False positives - 假的真的
  • False negatives - 假的假的(最嚴重、影響最大的狀況)

Precision + Recall

  • Precision refers to the proportion of true positives correctly categorized out of all the true and false positives
    • Model classifies no false positives, but misses some true positive
  • Recall refers to the proportion of true positives correctly categorized out of all the true positives and false negatives 
    • Model classifies all true positives, but captures some false positives

Data Collection & Evaluation 

  • Does our training dataset have the features and breadth to ensure 
  • Translate user needs into data needs - Datasets that can be used to train AI models contain examples, which contain one or more features, and possibly labels. 透過好的 example 

Match user needs with data needs 

  • Data scientist/engineer 必須要檢視資料,而 data 的選用和搜集需要符合目標的 user needs,「AI 像是電,Data 像是石油」,Data 用來 training 後就不能再重複使用了。

Reporting Bias

  • Reporting bias occurs when the frequency of events, properties, and/or outcomes captured in a data set does not accurately reflect their real-world frequency. 要注意資料選擇的多樣性,否則會導致 ML 產出的盲點。
現在的 AI 就像是當初 Internet 起來時需要學習的東西,「必須要懂」。

Automatic Bias

Selection Bias

  • Example: A model is trained to predict future sales of a new product based on phone surveys conducted with a sample of consumers who bought the product. Consumers who instead opted to buy a competing product were not surveyed, and as a result, this group of people was not represented in the training data.
    • 若選用的 data 來源都是「既有使用者」,則產出的結果會受限於資料來源,而不能針對「新使用者」產出最佳內容。

Mental Model 

  • Which aspects of AI should we explain to our users?
  • How should we introduce AI to the user initially-and thereafter?
  • What are the pros and cons of introducing our AI as human-like?
  1. Identify existing mental models
  2. Onboard in stages 
  3. Explain the benefit, not the technology
  4. Design for experimentation - encourage that with a small target
  5. Onboarding template

Co-Learning Flow 相對較自然的啟動過程

  1. Setup Google Home
  2. Calibrate Lighting 
  3. Add Media Service 
  4. Suggest Routine
  • Add Media service
  • Calibrate service preference
  • Add a new lighting
  • Calibrate lighting 
  • Suggest routine


Help users calibrate their trust 

  • Scope - Show an overview of the data being collected about an individual user, which aspects of their data are being used for what purpose.
  • Reach - Personalized to one user or device 
  • Removal - Tell users whether they can remove or reset some of the data being used. 

Tie explanations to user actions 

  • Trust spectrum of "No trust" to "Too much trust".

Trust calibration

  • What kinds of experiences and interactions would decrease, maintain, or inflate trust in your feature's AI. 

Optimize for understanding

  • 當 user impact 高的時候要特別注意

Data Visualization 

  • Indicating the range of alternative outcomes based on the system's confidence level. 
AI is all built by "trust".

Feedback + Control

Align feedback with model improvement 

  • What user experience is triggering this feedback opportunity?
  • 要透過使用者的回饋來確認自己的設計是否正確或有用

Communicate value & time to impact

  • 透過 engage user 來改善產品
  • Do all of your user groups benefit from this feedback?
  • How might the user's level of control over the AI influence their willingness to provide feedback?
  • How will the AI change based on this feedback?
  • When will the AI change based on this feedback?

Balance control & automation

  • Wide range of user abilities and preference
  • Highly-sensitive 

Error + Graceful failure 每個錯誤 (context error) 都是學習的機會

  • When do users consider low-confidence predictions to be an "error"?
  • How will we reliably identify sources of error in a complex AI? 

Define "errors" & "failure"

  • System limitation
  • Context 
  • Failstates - true negative

Identify error sources / 如何設計 error message

  • Prediction & training data errors occur when...
  • Input errors occur when...
  • Relevance errors occur when...
  • System hierarchy errors occur when...

Provide paths forward from failure 

  • 要透過各種方式確認「錯誤」的原因
翰申提到在 Google 學到最重要的東西:Team 能提出的解法一定比個人優秀,而為了「toward to future problem」則需要維持群體的多樣性,這不管是在 AI 的表現上,也是為了產出「有用的解法」。
要回到「要解決什麼問題」上,目標清楚,才知道要選擇什麼樣的 Data 做 training - Product is gonna to solve a problem,不一定要用最好的 model,能 focus on "Business Objective" 的就是好 model。

Q&A 時間

  • 要如何找出 AI unique way 做產品的創新?
"Always figure out the problem." 這是翰申反覆幫大家畫的重點。
透過建立有趣的互動 engage user 並建立 eco-system,再慢慢根據 business objective 加入 features。Product Designer 可以 initiate project,不一定要寫 PRD (Product Requirement Document),先定義自己要解決什麼問題,才能決定自己要使用什麼來解決問題。
  • 搜集 feedback 很重要,那為什麼 Siri 沒有收集什麼 feedback 的感覺?Google Home 會怎麼搜集 user feedback?後續又怎麼處理?
可以蒐集 routine 的 event/behavior,當 confidence level 提高時,再提出更多變異。UI 也需要重新思考,何謂 dynamic UI / Index UI。
  • Feedback 就是要回傳使用者的 data 回來做標記、分析,那要怎麼再回拋 client 端做使用者內容客製化?如何讓使用者理解做這些事情的目的跟帶來的好處? 
  • Low data training
  • Privacy UX
  • Legal UX
  • Dynamic UI
  • Index UI
Max 老師補充說明,人的改變是非常緩慢的,即使外在的刺激和環境不斷變動,適應也沒有那麼快,而 AI 則是我們目前碰到的轉折。當閱讀 "People + AI Guidebook" 時,很多 usability 的原則其實都還是沿用的,因應新的系統、新的轉變,既有的 UX 原則被重新詮釋,但受到更多的要素影響(training model, data, context, etc.),只要理解其中的運作,就會了解如何在設計中包入 AI 的產出,也會知道如何跟工程師溝通。

The most important thing is "Always ask the good question instead of to get the answer." Because the answer is always changed. 


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